Saturday, April 27, 2013

Even if You've Got Nothing to Say...

... You can always change the template.


  1. Greetings Barnaby

    Having 'nothing to say' is I think often a problem for bloggers though the issue in practice may be more apparent than real.

    The odd conversation, illness, birthday, church, shopping and other irritations, international or local happenings during the recent past, tend to come back to mind when wondering whether to and if so what to blog on about. Very occasionally there is a major factor hanging in the air comprehension of which seems to be helped by blogging.

    However judging by the paucity of comments on my blog the whole blogging concept is I think more like a personal diary than a magazine.

    Your blog is always worth a read or view and has more quips than I can muster so keep them coming.

  2. Thank you for your very kind comment, Jerry. Apart from anything else, I'm very glad to hear from you as it's been some time since you posted - and I always look forward to reading what you have to say
    My wife Anne and I are in Paris for a few days staying with our daughter Julia. Have just been to see a wonderful film called Quartet which you might enjoy.
    Hope all is well with you.


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...