Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Code of the Pigeons

One of the hardest things in the world for me to do is to think of - NOTHING. Try as I might, I find it all but impossible to rid my mind of extraneous matter. My brain is besieged by thoughts of all kinds racing unbidden into its cavernous recesses. Once, by virtue of what I can only call a superhuman effort, I did succeed in banishing all form of mental activity from my consciousness, leaving me in perfect peace save for the incessant sound of pigeons calling to one another in the still morning air.

After a while I began to wonder what sort of message they were trying to communicate. Was there a code behind their constant and I have to say rather monotonous exchange of data? After running several sophisticated search algorithms through my brain, I finally came up with two messages: "Prends l'oseille" and "Ouvre la boƮte, Michel". But what could this mean? I decided to submit my samples to a language filter and came up with the following: Take the money and Open the box, Michael.

Others have disputed my findings, saying that the true exchange should run as follows: Double your money and Get rich quick.

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