Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Looking Back

I don't remember an awful lot about my time at Durham University. I can remember the peculiar smell of cigarettes in the cold northern air and the names of my friends. I can remember roughly where my room was located in Grey College and where the History Department was situated in the town centre. I can remember the names of some of my teachers but, here's the rub, I cannot remember a single thing of what I learnt during the three years of my honours course. In other words, if I were suddenly to be thrust onto the job market and if I were to wave my diploma in the face of a prospective employer, the piece of paper would be as worthless as if I had bought it from the University of Calcutta.

But there is one thing a university graduate will never forget, indeed he or she will probably be marked or scarred by it until his or her dying day. I am referring to our degree. Did you get a first, a second or a third? I got a 2/2 in Modern History Hons, and deep down, beyond the jokes and the philosophical shrugs, it is this simple fact that does more than anything else to shape my opinion of myself, or at least of my intelligence: owner of a second-class brain.

Fortunately, there is more to life than a university degree, and there is more to somebody's personality or character than the official record of his/her academic worth. But we are branded for life. Mary Stuart once said "When I am dead and chested you will find Calais written on my heart." And in my case? When I am dead and chested (whatever that means) you will find 2/2 written on my heart!


  1. Greetings Barnaby

    There has been much degree grade inflation since I did my degree and I surmise even more since you passed yours.

    I too manged a 2:2 (Lond) (External) although some 42 years ago at my interview for what becoming what was then called a solicitor's articled clerk it was suggested by the old Stonyhurst solicitor who took me on, that as London External degrees were not marked by one's own lecturers, an external 2:2 was equivalent to an internal 2:1.

    Anyway all those polys etc which had to have their degrees externally marked are now universities. Like other universities I guess their 2:2s would now be classed as 2:1s or even firsts so well well done!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Jerry. You've succeeded in making me feel better, though I suspect a 2:2 from London (external or internal) was worth more than a 2:2 from Durham!

    2. Anonymous12:21 pm

      Well, in the immortal words of Young Mr. Grace I think you've both done very well indeed! (see "Are You Being Served"......).

      I would just like to mention that I recall hearing, at the time you were at Durham Barnaby, how no-one had received a First from Durham in 30 years. No doubt it was somehow in their interests to be able to retain that proud boast?


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

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