Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quo Vadis?

According to my information, Google should be able to locate where you are at any given moment, and also where you have been in previous days, months and years.

It doesn't work for me. Google says that I have not strayed out of Rubtovsk, Alta Krai in Kazahkstan for a very very long time.

Here's my house on the left in downtown Alta Krai

On the other hand, I would dearly like to know where I am going. If Google could tell me where I will be five years from now and, more to the point in what state, I would be most obliged.


  1. Anonymous10:17 am

    Of more immediate importance to me :

    can Google tell me where I am going as I come down the stairs half remembering that I am on an important mission to fetch something but CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT OR WHY ..........

    I bet Santa, Rudolph and the lads never have this problem.

    1. At least you half-remember, which is more than I do!


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