Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pet Hates Nos. 589 and 590

French Dubbing
The French approach to the dubbing of television programmes beggars belief. Instead of starting off in the original language and then gradually fading it out and replacing it with the translated version, French programmers insist on keeping both languages at such a level that it is impossible to concentrate on either one. They should watch and listen to the BBC, in particular the World Service, which does it so much better. Speaking of the World Service, I can recommend a newish news programme called Outside Source, also available on BBC World TV. Talk about up-to-the-minute  news!

Horoscopes are all very well in their place but I don't think that place should be on the radio. Indeed, am I right in proclaiming that they are banned by the BBC? I am thinking not so much of those of us who have to listen to horoscopes as of those poor benighted souls who have to churn out this drivel day after day and, even worse, then have to read it out over the airwaves. For their peace of mind, I hope they are allowed to record their tidings in large chunks and are then are free to go off to the south of France for a month or two.
My favourite horoscope goes something like this: "You will meet a tall, dark stranger". This is followed the next day by a correction. "We apologise for any inconvenience caused by yesterday's horoscope. It should have read: "You will meet a tall, dark strangler".

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