Friday, June 13, 2014

The Black Cat (FINAL update)

Name: The Black Cat, also known as iCat, Pachat, Claws, Jaws and Paws.
Preferred habitat: Anywhere in the house and on the roof of the car.
Politics: Far Right
Religion: Roman Cat Holic
Clubs: The Black Cat Club, Drones, the Cathenaeum
Favourite song: Where are the Boys of the Old Brigade?
Favourite group: Mitch Miller and the Gang
Favourite film: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Favourite colour: Black
Keywords: Frabjious, Magnificat, sly, devious, cagey, covert, furtive, guileful, scheming, shifty

You might think that, after a week's absence on my part, iCat would be pleased to see me. Not a bit of it. After a perfunctory meow, he loped upstairs, sat down in MY chair and settled down to watch the World Cup.
I never thought I would stoop to devoting a post to a cat, preferring to leave that sort of thing to the specialists. Like most of the other animals in Aubigny (and quite a few of the villagers as well), Pachat may best be described as a nasty piece of work. Pachat, I said, what's the big idea? You can't expect to come muscling into people's houses without so much as a by your leave and expect to be welcomed with open arms. The real world doesn't work like that. So get real and wise up, iCat. The only answer I got was a sort of purring noise....


  1. You say that the lads were "probably the most richly talented group of players ever to leave our shores". I absolutely agree, but surely you should have written "our runways"? Nowadays technically proficient players often travel by plane.

  2. Enough with this Black Cat trash already.

  3. Lay off please. Salutations, Pachat

  4. Anonymous1:15 pm

    As good a subject as any.
    I suggest Pachat has his (her?) own blog?

  5. Sauces close to iCat have intimated that the idea of creating his own blog have given him serious paws for thought. On reflection, however, he feels that his keyboard skills are at best random, and he has therefore decided to use his opt-out claws.

  6. Anonymous8:47 pm

    It's a sorry state of affairs when we have to hear you are home again via a post about That Cat ..........

  7. Anonymous9:00 am

    I wish you would hurry up and write a new post so that we don't have to look at that ghastly out-of-focus photo of iCat any longer.

  8. No-one could be more focussed than iCat.

  9. Anonymous5:24 pm

    How can you tell one Anonymous from another? I assure you the latest isn't me and suspect it might be the Laydee from Dubai - or is she over here now?

    Is iCat focusing on the Tour de France from the comfort of your chair?

  10. I can actually write comments to myself by signing in as Anonymous!

  11. Anonymous10:55 pm

    Oh my word -
    in the immortal words of Dan Maskell.


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