Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Mrs Hessey's Diaries

As Facebook is fond of saying, a lot has happened since I last got around to transcribing my grandmother's diaries. On Gran's side little has changed except a tendency towards a more telegrammatic style. "Went to the beach" has become "Went to beach", "Mabel and I both felt off colour" becomes "Mabel and I both off colour", and so on. In the course of their stay in the south of France, too, they are introduced to the delights of Coca-Cola.

On my side, my impression is that I have aged more quickly then Gran. I am increasingly concerned by intimations of mortality, but not in any morbid sense. It is just that I am intrigued by a situation in which I know how much longer my grandmother has to go, if I may put it that way, but neither she nor I has the slightest idea of what the future has in store for me. Will I, for example, outlive the cat? Only God, and possibly Madge, knows.

I should know better by now, especially as I have already brought the matter up in a previous post, but I still find it extraordinary that no-one has discovered a way of digitising handwriting. It would certainly save me a lot of bother.

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