Monday, December 07, 2015

Profession: Conservative Talk Show Host

No particular reason for this title except that it's a phrase that has been swirling  or swilling around at the back of my mind for some time.

What I really wanted to talk about is the nature of cats. Cats may be feral at heart but they are nevertheless stay-at-home creatures. They may be street-wise but they are travel-shy. I would, for example, be very surprised to come across a local cat in another town. The only possible explanation for such an occurrence would be that the owner or neighbour has driven the cat over in an effort to get rid of  it. Hence the cat's well-known aversion to getting into a car unless it can be sure that the car will remain stationary.

Have cats made the transition from the analog to the digital age? I think this question is based on a misunderstanding or rather an exaggeration of the change. After all, the shift to the digital era has not altered the fundamental nature of cats, or of humans for that matter.

For instance, if one tended to be untidy and ill-organised in analog times, one will continue to be so in the age of computers. All that has happened is that a desk littered with papers, address books, staplers, paper clips, pens, papers etc. has been replaced by files scattered over a bewildering array of folders, a series of forgotten passwords and user names, undefragmented hard disks, misplaced contacts and so on. Worse, the desk is STILL littered with papers, address books, staplers, paper clips, pens, papers etc.

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