If there is one issue facing mankind today beside which everything else pales into insignificance, it is surely the menace of global warming. I think we can all agree on the need to act, and the need to act fast, if we are to have any chance of passing on a world worth living in to our children and our grandchildren. All our petty problems and differences seem somehow unimportant all of a sudden, don’t they? Will you excuse me one moment, my phone’s ringing….
…. Whatever the gravity of the many problems besetting us today, I think we can all agree that unless we manage to get the economy back on to an even keel, unless we can get the financial system back on its feet, action on any other front becomes virtually impossible. The priority must be the economy. Surely everyone can see that. There goes the phone again. I suppose I’d better answer it….
… So unless we can deal with swine fever, we won’t be in a position to tackle all the other problems facing us. This surely is the priority of priorities, beside which everything else pales into significance.
Greetings Barnaby
ReplyDeleteTheIndy had an interesting article on global warming from a different perspcetive recently - things may
not be as bad as we think:
"Our Sun is the primary force of the Earth’s climate system, driving atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns. It lies behind every aspect of the Earth’s climate and is, of course, a key component of the greenhouse effect. But there is another factor to be considered. When the Sun has gone quiet like this before, it coincided with the earth cooling slightly and there is speculation that a similar thing could happen now. If so, it could alter all our predictions of climate change, and show that our understanding of climate change might not be anywhere near as good as we thought."
As for Swine fever I surmise that many in the UK already have it in mild form so that by the time it becomes virulent in winter many will already have resistance to it.
The economy too will for non-Euro countries right itself as usual by
inflaion/devaluation diminishing govt debts.