My son-in-law, currently of no fixed abode, drew my attention to a cartoon in the French newsmagazine Le Point. "Too old for the army, too old to be a teacher, too old to be a railwayman.... There's nothing for it, I'll have to join the Stones."
The Stones are indeed a freak, some might say an abortion, of nature; as ugly and unsavoury as when they first started. And their music hasn't changed either.
To Buckingham Palace for an award-winning ceremony in honour of Lt General Sir Brian Horrocks ANC*, KFC**. Also in attendance were Princes Harry and William, both showing signs of that incipient baldness which was to cost their father and grandfather so dear. Lord and Lady Gaga were also noticeable by their absence.
* Awfully Nice Chap
** Kentucky Fried Chicken
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