Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internet Radio and Oh Dear

Many thanks to those who wrote in to explain the time differential between Internet radio and FM radio. Is this an example of what is meant by "the wisdom of crowds"?

But one thing puzzles me, Perry, as Paul Drake used to say. How to explain the occasional repetition of sentences or segments on Internet radio?


When I asked the British contingent near here whether they said "oh dear" when they sneezed, they looked at me in bewilderment and dismay, so I think we can safely say that this is either a family or an individual expression.


  1. Anonymous5:01 pm

    I don't think saying "oh dear" following a sneeze is a family thing - not known to me, anyway.
    Did you hear somewhere that each time you sneeze a fairy dies? Or is that something to do with sailors drowning?

  2. Yes, I think I did hear something to that effect. Actually, upon analysis, I say "oh dear" on other occasions when I'm on my own as a sort of all-purpose expression of lassitude or resignation.

  3. Mrs M.10:28 pm

    Je confirme !

  4. I don't know who this Mrs M is, but she obviously knows what she's talking about...!


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