Monday, April 25, 2011

British Embassy, 24th July, 1945 (concluded)

After this interlude we had to make fast time back to Banff. There I saw the other nine onto the evening train to Calgary. Next morning they took off in their plane for Montreal and after spending the night there, set out on the trans-Atlantic flight. Five hours out, as I understand, a message was received saying "all secure at 8,000 feet", but after that no message of any kind was heard.

The whole party as I left them were in glowing health and the best of spirits as a result of the trip through the Rockies. And I am very grateful now that these days were for all of us such unclouded happy ones. It has been hard suddenly to lose so many friends, and some specially close ones; but, while the pain of the loss will, I trust, lessen, the times together on these last happy days with live on with me as treasured memories.

Yours ever,

Archie Mackenzie

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to more information about Archie Mackenzie:


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