Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Wedding of the Century

As I rounded the corner I chanced upon a joyous band of men
and women of a certain age advancing towards me. Well dressed and well
behaved were they, with none of the rowdiness of the football hooligan
about them nor yet the hushed reverence of a funeral procession. But
their obvious happiness and infectious gaiety was plain for all to
After a while my curiosity got the better of my natural discretion.
"You seem so happy", I said. "And why is that, pray?"
"Don't you know? It's the Royal Wedding!"
"Oh yes, of course, how silly of me", I said.
After a moment's pause, and with a gesture taking in the Eiffel Tower
and the Champs de Mars, I continued:
"But surely the Royal Wedding is in London?"
"Yes", they chorused gleefully, "that's why we're in Paris".


  1. Anonymous11:22 am

    I do in fact know of people who scarpered on the occasion of the nuptials of the groom's parents, and doubtless many will do so again! But this time, you know, there isn't quite the same air of hysteria - just in case?

  2. If I were Kate I think I'd scarper now myself.

  3. Anonymous2:51 pm

    What have you got against Baldy, then? Apart from those very false-looking gnashers? Perhaps they were HM's wedding present to him, as in days of yore.
    Alas poor Kate, the stress has led to such a marked loss of weight that if viewed sideways-on she now disappears.
    But I wish them well, really, and can't wait for the razzmatazz on the 29th.


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...