Sunday, May 01, 2011

I don't know what the weather has been like elsewhere, but here in eastern France I can't remember a more beautiful month of April. In a way, the best of the season is already almost over as far as I'm concerned. The colza fields are now on the wane, though they will remain a pretty sight for a few more weeks; the same goes for the wisteria and the lilac. The tree peonies are at their apogee, as is the laburnum. Nevada, Marguerite Hilling and rugosa are out, Canary Bird a little past its peak. Niobe clematis just coming out.

I just wish everything could stop there (but I'm still looking forward to the broom) especially as we have decided this year to give the vegetable garden a miss and get our produce direct from a farm just down the road. We are of course the object of withering scorn in the village!

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