Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Myself When Young

I have just finished reading Daphne du Maurier's Myself When Young, otherwise known as Growing Pains. I found it an extraordinary book which gathers momentum after a (for me) rather laboured start. I have actually read very few of her books. My sister Awly put me on to (I think) The Loving Spirit which I greatly enjoyed though I am afraid I can remember absolutely nothing about it now. On the other hand, at least two of the short stories included in The Blue Lenses continue to haunt me to this day.

I was struck in particular by something she wrote to the effect that wherever she was she would rather be somewhere else. That is an affliction I suffer from, and it is compounded in my case by another one: whenever it is I would rather it were some other time! In other words, I find it difficult to live in the here and now - the sure sign of the depressive down the years;

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