Monday, June 13, 2011

Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd.

I was distressed to learn that the Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd. has downgraded my blog from AAA to A+ with a negative outlook. I don't quite know what Dagong means by "negative outlook"; surely the outlook for all of us is negative in the long run?

Dagong pinpoints my continued inability to generate a significant amount of "page views" and my utter failure to generate much, i.e. any, revenue from my blog. Creditors, it warns, will not long tolerate this level of performance.

On the bright side, there is no change in the rating for my other blogs: Mrs Hessey's Diary and General Hessey's Diary, both of which continue to enjoy a CCC rating, on a par with Madagascar and just below junk bond status.


  1. Anonymous12:35 pm

    You're obviously missing a trick here, Mr. Dunn.
    Move your blog to Damascus tooty-sweety, and change gender and - er - 'preference'.
    Or have you already? Is it YOU ?

  2. I'm a bit lost here, I'm afraid. Can you enlighten me? Yours, perplexed (as in Bertie Wooster).

  3. Anonymous1:05 am

    There's been a hoax blog - poster known as Lesbian Girl in Damascus (or some such), turned out to be a bloke at Edinburgh University. But what made it worse was that he posted "her" picture, which was in fact that of someone unknown to him in London.

    Hot news here, and I thought you might have caught it?

  4. Well Barnaby if your blog has been downgraded to A+, mine which is Greek to its few readers, like the national Greek credit rating these days, must be heading for junk C if not the sub junk CCC, status.

  5. The question is, Jerry, what are we going to do about it? Any ideas gratefully received!


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