Saturday, June 11, 2011

Poor Fellow!


  1. Greetings Barnaby

    I'm not keen on dogs as pets but your youtube clip left me feeling sorry (a tiny bit) for the hound.

    As for dogs as pets - in an overcrowded urban environment there is imho insufficient room for the canine creatures with all the muck they leave and accidents they cause.

    We have a medium size Sainsbury's down the road here in Wimbledon and about a third of its shelf space is devoted to pet food - a waste of space.

    Our Common is a great place to jog over but sadly less so when dogs are around. One reads about children being mauled and diseases being spread and wonder why dogs should not all be licensed like cars. The noise made by dogs too sometimes...

    I accept that in the rural environment things are different and there may be attractions of having working dogs on farms and even as guard dogs; likewise guide dogs for the blind and huskies at the North Pole.

    Those uses are different from humans in towns treating dogs like small children treat dolls or action man toys.

    I gather too that some find dogs good company but surely with a planet of billions of humans there must be some human love available or is that is an indictment of the lack of warmth and friendship from rest of us?

    Rant over!

  2. We always had a dog when we lived in England, Jerry, but I have been dogless since I came out to France in the late 60s. But I do still love them, especially labradors, and I can't see how anyone could possibly be so mean as to the poor unsuspecting fellow in the video clip!
    Having said that, I think all your points are well made. Some streets in Paris are an absolute disgrace.


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