Saturday, July 16, 2011

Personality Type

I daresay at one time or another you have answered one or more of
those multiple choice questionnaires designed to reveal the "real
you", to tell you if you "a born leader" or "an abject follower". I do
not actually sneeze at these questions as I think they can sometimes
tell you a lot about yourself even if in my case it's a bit late to do
anything about it. If I have a criticism it is that the questions tend
to be a little on the abstract side, so I thought I would draw up my
own list:

When out running with someone else do you tend to let the other person

set the pace?
2. When out running on your own do you tend to pull up slightly before
the temporary halt you have set yourself?
3. When you start up again do you tend to start running a little before
the mark you set yourself?
4a) When drinking a cup of coffee at home do have trouble finishing
your cup? 4b) Do you in fact EVER finish it?
5. When in a restaurant, do you always wish you had ordered what somebody
else has chosen?
6.Generally speaking, do you prefer putting off till tomorrow what you
could more usefully do today?
7. Are you proud of the fact that you have never read any of Harry
Potter's J.K. Rowling books?
8. Do you prefer writing your blog at Starbucks rather than in the
comfort of your home?
9. Would you quite fancy wearing a Starbucks sweater were it not for the
danger of being taken for an employee?
10. Do you rather wish you had never started this post?

If you have answered "Yes" to all these questions except 4b) you are me.


  1. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Very funny!
    Actually, it helps a lot in "understanding" you, Mr. Dunn!
    Sadly, I can't enter into this questionnaire because so much of it is alien
    e.g., what is this "running" of which you speak?
    Ditto "Starbucks" (I think we've had this conversation before).
    Ditto, I have no blog so where and when doesn't seem very relevant.
    No.7 (was it?) made me sit up as I am proud to say I have read all of the Harry Potter books - and my other half continually re-reads in a besotted manner. I, on the other hand, have trouble in remembering the plot lines.
    I always drink up my coffee - and ask for more.

    But it doesn't sound as if we are related, does it?
    Which of us was the changeling?

  2. We are obviously very different personality types! I am a 9 on the Eannagram scale (nothing to do with Richter). And you are a .....?


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