Saturday, November 19, 2011

Barrister Pepe Gonzalez

A very nice mail from Barrister this morning.
 "I am confirming if you received my previous email regarding you having the same Surname with my late client/inheritance.Please email me for more information".

 I was a bit surprised, though, as there are very few people with my surname and those few are to the best of my not inconsiderable knowledge all members of my family.
I was also rather nonplussed as the email was signed by another barrister, Barrister George Gordillo Garrigues, whom I don't remember having the pleasure of meeting either.

Still and all, it would be nice to come into an inheritance but I fear there is little chance of that happening to me or my descendants.


Coming back to a theme that haunts me more than most, I notice that even in a country as ravaged as Spain the rich are managing to get richer even as the poor and the not-so-poor are slipping into abject misery. Don't misunderstand me. I have nothing against the rich and indeed have several times aspired to become a member, only to be rejected for the most spurious of reasons (lack of money). Seriously, though, (for that was a joke), no society that is stagnating or in recession  can long survive this stark division between rich and poor which is a feature of most developed countries. We ignore this danger at our peril.


  1. Anonymous10:47 pm

    Interestingly, I have also just received an email from Mr Gonzalez! It's almost like someone is trying to scamm us or something;)

  2. Anonymous3:44 pm

    "Still and all, it would be nice to come into an inheritance but I fear there is little chance of that happening to me or my descendants."

    And what do you mean exacly by that, I pray thee?

    One of your descendants, L

    PS: Mr Gonzalez emailed me, too! He's defintely been targetting our family, which leads me to believe that cannot be a scam. He does seem like a lovely gentleman and I will provide him with my bank account details so that he may make the transfer without further delay. Oh, and great news, I just paid 5236 US $ to the American Green Card lottery --which I won! Am still waiting for the Green Card but it should come any day now!


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

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