Friday, November 11, 2011

A Chinese Proverb

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now."

What on earth is that supposed to mean?


  1. Anonymous11:21 am

    Taken literally, a tree planted 20 years ago would be giving some reward now whereas one planted today will bring reward in the future.
    Sounds like an ad. for an insurance company! Or making sure you pay into a pension fund!

  2. EastAnglian1:17 pm

    Not all old Chinese proverbs are sensible, and shouldn't be regarded as such! Surely "the next best time" would be 19.05 years ago?
    Is the meaning some rubbish like Never Do Today What You Should Have Done Yesterday? Because if so I think Anon Dubai is risking it. She might end up like that late entrant to the Tea Party in Alice in Wonderland - "I'm late, I'm late!"

  3. And anyway what on earth would the Chinese know about planting trees? They should stick to what they do best: copying other people's proverbs.

  4. Anonymous10:26 am

    yes, I mean, do they even have trees in China?? A reference to some "rice crop" might have made it more believable. It seems nobody is buying that one. Let's go back to our peaceful, harmless procrastinating ways!

    Anon Dubai

  5. Anonymous3:42 pm

    "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."
    It's Mark Twain who said it!

    Anon Dubai

  6. "I'm a little stiff from golfing" Bob Hope


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