Thursday, January 26, 2012

Des Paroles et des Actes

This is the name of a current affairs programme, devoted this evening to François Hollande, candidate (and at the time of writing favourite) for the French presidential elections. I personally am not a great fan of Hollande and still nourish the hope that he will explode in mid air, but at the same time feel I should make a conscious effort to watch the programme. Where news is concerned, I have a nasty tendency to avoid reading about or listening to events/views which unsettle me. For instance, I hate it when Roger Federer loses to Nadal (as he did again today) or when England lose at any sport (as they almost invariably do) and have to steel myself to "face the music".

So I shall be watching Hollande this evening, hoping against hope that Alain Juppé takes him to the cleaners.


  1. EastAnglian12:26 pm

    Did he?

    I have to admit I'm the same! Can't stand to watch A Certain Political Party having a field day.

    1. In terms of attracting floating voters, I'm afraid Hollande did rather well. Sarko has got his work cut out and I think he should really enter the fray officially as soon as possible.

  2. Anonymous3:22 pm

    So how did the dear man do? (I hope he was pathetic!)

    Anon Dubai

    1. He WASN'T pathetic, unfortunately. Let's say he didn't do his cause any harm.

    2. Juppé was OK without being brilliant. I thought Christian Saint-Etienne did a much better hatchet job this afternoon on "C'est dans l'Air".


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