Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Freedom is the title of a bestseller by Jonathan Franzen. It is also the name of an application which prevents you from getting onto the Internet for up to 8 hours. Apparently it is used by other world class writers such as Nick Hornby, Zadie Smith and Nora Ephron in order to avoid the distractions of the web and get on with the serious business of writing. (Incidentally, at what point does one become a "world class" writer? Am I, for example, a world class writer or a fifth-rate blogger?)

Honestly, things have come to a pretty pass when you have to use this sort of application, and fork out good money (10 dollars) as well, to wean yourself off the web. Besides, what happens if you need to go online to check your e-mails or to see what's going on in the real world? Actually, all you have to do is to switch off your computer and switch it on again! What a racket.


1 comment:

  1. EastAnglian5:04 pm

    I just think it's yet another example of someone thinking up a new way to make a fast buck !
    What's wrong with a bit of self discipline, admittedly the sort I haven't got myself but the sort Dear Old Somerset Maugham had in bucketloads. Didn't he commit himself to x amount of pages or words before he could have the first drink of the day? Transfer that over to fun and games on the www ...................


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