Friday, March 30, 2012

By Their Cats Shall You Know Them

I think you can learn a lot about a neighbourhood by studying the state and behaviour patterns of its cats. In our village, cats are mostly of no fixed abode, or sans domicile fixe as the French say. Unlike their glossy, well-fed counterparts across the Channel, they have a "lean and hungry look" which would give Julius Caesar pause for thought. They are at once sly and contemptuous, rather like the personnel at Charles de Gaulle Airport, tending to keep close to walls and to move in the shadows. They do not immediately answer to their name for fear that they might be incriminated.
Cats in our village are the result of centuries of inbreeding; they are particularly suspicious of foreigners. Given the chance, they would undoubtedly vote for Marine Le Pen. 

1 comment:

  1. EastAnglian12:07 pm

    Given the chance the cats next door to us would also be voting Right. Or they might stretch a point and vote Left if it was for George Galloway. But generally speaking they believe in Self Self Self, none of this Big Society all in it together nonsense.

    We take a great interest in the cats "belonging" to our leaders. You may recall the Mystery of the Disappearing Downing Street Cat and how the finger of suspicion immediately fell upon Cherie Blair. Alastair had to work overtime on that one.


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