Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Chat with my Doctor

I went over the images with the specialist and we both admore the wall the white "patches" as he put it since I last had the pleasure of meeting him on other than social occasions. "These patches indicate to me that your condition has considerably worsened. I was shocked of course, as who wouldn't be, and this seemed as good a time as any to take out my cheque book and settle my debts, as it were.

My friend Finnbarr tells me that our medium to long term memory remains relatively unscathed by what it was I was about to say, but that it's the short term attention span that gets it in the neck. That is my experience precisely.
That's quite enough for one day.


  1. Anonymous7:03 pm

    Well, what a bummer.
    Will be in touch, but meanwhile my mother-in-law says to tell you she knows exactly what you must be feeling.

  2. I don't like the sound of this, but it's clear that your sense of humor is in good shape.

    1. Hello Michael. Great to hear from you and sorry to have been so absent in recent times. I'm fine and I hope you are too.

  3. I am, and happy to know you are.


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...