Tuesday, May 28, 2013


As Winston Churchill once said, "I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself". Did he really say that? My source is a site called goodreads.com but it doesn't sound quite authentic to me. Anyway, I've been looking at some of the statistics for this blog and was astounded to see that the most popular post I have ever written is "Famous People of Dijon" which has so far excited a gratifying but somehow unlikely 1200 pageviews. Do you ever get the feeling that you have been hacked?

Looking at my all time audience, I note that most of my visits, if not visitors, come from France, followed by the UK and the USA. There is also a suspicious amount of activity originating in Russia and Latvia. However, if I turn to the figures for this month, I see that the USA is in first place ahead of France and the United Kingdom.

Browsers: most all time visitors use Internet Explorer (40%) followed by Chrome (25%) and Firefox (19%), iPad and iPhone accounting for 1%. Compare that with the figures for the last month: Chrome 37%, Explorer 29% and Firefox steady at 19%. In terms of operating systems (all time), Windows takes the lion's share at 80% with the rest nowhere. This week Windows still commands a massive 76%, iPad 4% and iPhone 1%.

Other information: the first comment to grace this blog was written on July 9th 2007.

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