Thursday, August 29, 2013

More Tears

Going back to the sort of sadness that overcomes us when we hear sad news about people in the public eye, I read today that Linda Ronstadt is suffering from Parkinson's disease and, though otherwise well, can no longer sing a single note. She had such a beautiful voice and was such a beautiful woman but at least she's alive and well, and that after all is the main thing.

Goodness knows how long these YouTube links stay up before being deleted by irate record companies, not that I blame them, but here is a song Linda sang back in the 'seventies. In my view it's about as near as you can get to perfection in this kind of music, extending and transcending the bounds of country. The song is called  Faithless Love, and probably the best thing to do is copy and paste the link below into your address bar.

It may come as a surprise, but she is not incredibly well off. She wrote very few of the songs she recorded so received very little in the way of royalties. She relied on concerts etc. as her main source of income.

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