Tuesday, September 03, 2013

We are Living in a "Push" World

By this I mean that those wishing to sell us something are at their nicest, most charming and most gracious when THEY are calling the shots, offering us the most attractive of terms and promising to send us the glossiest of catalogues.

But as soon as we try to contact them, i.e. to "pull" something from them, the commercial "experience" becomes less enchanting, and their much-touted "expert" or "advisor" is mysteriously transformed into a robot or zombie. I have been trying all day to place an order online with the esteemed David Austin company but each time the order aborts at the last moment. I have also tried to order over the phone but again to no avail as the "advisors" were busy.

I was just about to call the whole thing off when I got an e-mail from David Austin him/itself thanking me for my order and leading me to suppose that my payment had been accepted after all. But of course it's nice to know for sure, so I wrote back asking for confirmation. Pretty soon I got a reply and I thought to myself "this is more like it, this is more like what I mean by service.

The e-mail read: Thank you for your email to David Austin Roses. We have received your query and it will be dealt with by one of our advisors shortly.

 It would have been more honest to write: We have received your query and it will be dealt with by one of our robots/zombies shortly.

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