Friday, September 13, 2013

What I Think About When I'm in my Car

Our car is getting on for 14 years old now. It has getting on for 220 km on the clock and is beginning to show its age. The electric windows work episodically and the airbag light flashes on and off nonstop. The car is a Citroën Zara diesel. For long, diesel-engined cars were supposed to be not only economical but also good for the environment, but latterly they have been deemed a 'bad thing' even as the price of diesel oil continues to be cheaper than petrol at the pump. Go figure, as the Americans say.

I think about just about everything. For example, should I be driving at all given my brain's advanced state of decay? Am I a menace on the road? If so, I'm not the only one. Look at all these people blithely ignoring the speed limit, zooming along at well over 100 km per hour when the law says they should not exceed 90. What on earth do they think they're playing at? It makes me so angry when I, as a law-abiding citizen, am subjected to what looks very much like abuse from other drivers simply for abiding by the . Sometimes I feel like getting out of the car and hitting them, but of course that is out of the question.

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