Saturday, October 12, 2013

Back on the Straight and Narrow

Just recently I have been breaking bad in the sense that I have had free access by devious means to the likes of Homeland, The Good Wife and Downton Abbey. By 'devious' I mean 'illegal' and I must be mad broadcasting the fact on line, even on a blog unread by so many. 
Anyway, when I tried to get my latest shot of free entertainment I was shocked to see that my 'supplier' had, so to speak and as it were, disappeared. The funny thing was that, the moment of shock and desolation behind me, my overriding emotion was one of relief. Few of us really like living illegally and we subconsciously are waiting for the day when circumstances not of our choosing force us back onto the straight and narrow.

I feel a bit like the evil gospel singer played by Johnny Cash in a long-ago Columbo episode called Swan Song. When at last confronted and confounded by Columbo for the murder of his wife, Johnny Cash (Tommy Brown) is almost relieved. As says: "When finally caught out, there's even some respect and thankfullness that he's finally caught". 

My sentiments exactly!


  1. Anonymous4:54 pm

    Funnily enough (OK, it's not at all "funny") this was what finally brought me to give up smoking. Not that my fave. activity is yet illegal, nor likely to be as long as Little Gideon relies on the tax yields. But I certainly felt like a felon and was treated as such by the rest of the population. Or perhaps they just didn't like the look of me ..................
    I didn't much care for it, and now realise I could never have lived with the tension of being A Big Bank Robber.
    Which leads me to wonder whether my blameless life is rather a life of cowardice?

  2. Unfortunately, in a late development, I have once again been granted access to the forbidden site! Please ignore the theory expounded so eloquently above (for the time being)!

  3. Mrs M.10:08 pm

    Si tu veux préserver ta conscience, je suis toujours là ! Moi je n'ai pas de conscience !

    1. I just hope nobody cracks your codename, Mrs M. Best wishes from Monsieur Hadopi and friends!


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