Saturday, October 26, 2013

The San Francisco Conference

One of the sites that I "follow" as a member of the Google+ community is the Google Cultural Institute ("Discover exhibits and collections from museums and archives all around the world.
Explore cultural treasures in extraordinary detail, from hidden gems to masterpieces").

Imagine my surprise to see this yesterday:

"24 October 1945 - The United Nations officially came into existence, as the United Nations Charter took effect. 
Here's a photo of the San Francisco Conference earlier that year with Britain's Lord Halifax, Tom Connally, Harold Stassen and unident. others John Foster Dulles sitting at conference tables during sub-committee meeting of the Conference to adopt the UN Charter." 

The "unident(ified)" person, sitting on Lord Halifax's left, smoking a cigarette and looking half asleep, is none other than my father, Colonel Denis Capel-Dunn!

Click on the image for a better view.


  1. Anonymous2:52 pm

    Oh well done for finding this!
    Some years ago now I wrote to the Cabinet archives people to see what might be available and was sent several pictures but not this one. I think they were far more interested in seeing whether I could identify various people they couldn't - as if !

  2. I've just posted another one! I'm not sure but I think the photos come from the Time/Life archives.


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