Tuesday, November 05, 2013

What Spurs Us On?

To what extent are humans motivated by the prospect of great wealth? To put it another way, is it possible to be famous nowadays without being at least moderately wealthy (outside of a religious context)? I can't think of anyone. Can you? There are countless people who are rich without being famous. Are there any famous people who are not also rich?


  1. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Well, I think I can offer you one. Perhaps moderately wealthy now because of nowadays having an annual series on BBC, but I'm sure positive that the prospect of wealth played no part in his original ambitions - which I like to believe had far more to do with his wish to spread his love of singing to those who might otherwise never have experienced it.

    I give you ................. the more than Blessed Gareth Malone.

    1. I must confess I'd never heard of him! But what ever the original spur, he only became "moderately" wealthy once he became famous and vice versa.

    2. Anonymous3:57 pm

      What? Never heard of our Gareth? Tish and Tush.

      Anyway, he was bringing his love of singing to unlikely groups of people long before the BBC latched on to the fact that they might have found a winner - and I don't believe he was actively seeking either fame or wealth.

      Oh - that sort of proves your point in a negative sort of way, I suppose. Spanner.

  2. Anonymous6:26 pm

    well, I think Sheila has been struggling with money problems, no??

  3. Re Sheila, whether you manage to hang on to your wealth is another question.


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