Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mrs Hessey's Diary

I hope you will bear with me as I grapple with a new way of entering text into my grandmothers diary. Basically I'm trying to dictate directly onto the page. The speech recognition is surprisingly good but I'm having quite a lot of trouble with the technical aspect of the operation. As things stand, I'm probably spending more time trying to dictate a text than I would if I simply typed it out as I have been doing for years. But nothing ventured nothing gained, and I really feel for the first time that with a bit of an effort I might be able to speed things up in the future. Incidentally, this particular post has been spoken directly into the microphone and really has required very little in the way of correction afterwards.

I can't see myself ever dictating my posts into this blog, but I do think that for Gran's diary and for dashing off the odd e-mail, it might well become a viable option. As with so much in life, it all depends how much one is prepared to invest in the "learning curve", and how long one is ready to wait before one feels at ease with a new approach.

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