Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Stuff of Dreams

First there is the dream itself, followed almost immediately by the "waking dream" which is often a sequel to the dream itself. Finally, long after the dream and the waking dream are behind me and I have returned to the world of the living, the atmosphere and emotion stay with me well into the day, colouring my mood, usually for the worse.

A recurring theme running through almost all my dreams is guilt. I have forgotten a lesson or have arrived woefully ill-prepared. I have 24 hours in which to complete a 100-page translation. I can't remember where I parked the car or, worse, can't remember what the car looks like. I am worried stiff because I don't know how I'm ever going to make ends meet and to provide for the family.

I can't tell how relieved I am to learn that I am now retired in real life, even though the value of my pension is the object of the envious attentions of François Hollande and friends.

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