Wednesday, March 04, 2015

A Questionnaire of Sorts

Are you, or have you ever been, Charlie?
In the light of information that has since come to light, do you think Henry  VIII was right to behead Anne Boleyn?
Have you read or seen Beheaded Interval by Sheila Graham?
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the Conservative Party?
What do you know about a mysterious ailment referred to in scientific circles as flappus?
How long have you been suffering from bent leg?
Since when have you been feeling seedy, Mrs Hessey?
If you simply had to choose, would you rather have Prince Charles or Prince William as your next king?
Do you agree with or remember this year's Oscar winners?
Are you prepared to pay unswerving fealty to Her Majesty the Queen in Her capacity as titular head of the Church of England?
Have you got any inkling of what is meant by Republican Values?
When was the last time you showed solidarity?
What form did this solidarity take?
Who would you like to vote for in the next election? Any favourites?
Do you think Hugh Bellamoré should have won an Oscar for his performance in Paddington?
What about Benedict Quarterback in The Imitation Game?


  1. In our house he's known as Benedict Cummerbund. I haven't seen Theory of Everything, but I think BC's performance was Oscar-worthy.

  2. Anonymous10:49 am

    I suspect Mrs. Hessey was born feeling seedy. As were her sisters.

    1. And indeed her children, and at least one of her grandchildren...

    2. I should make clear that the grandchild in question is me. When I die, grave diggers or others will find 'flappus' engraved on my heart.

    3. Anonymous1:44 am

      And possibly with osteo signs of Bent Leg?
      Actually I think that may have died out with our generation as when I mentioned it to some of our nieces while we were in Devon I got some very blank stares.

  3. Michael, I can only suppose that you are referring to Benedict Lumberjack who starred in the Shakespearean detective series Shylock?

  4. Tel made me laugh when he conjured up a picture of us trooping into the doctor's cabinet one after the other. Each of us complained of feeling flappus and, by the time we had finished with him, the doctor was feeling pretty flappus too!


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...