Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Counting Sheep


I am one of those lucky people who have never had any difficulty in getting to sleep; my problem has always been one of trying to stay awake for any length of time. Until recently, that is. It may be something to do with the very long siestas I am fond of taking of an afternoon or perhaps with the moon, but just recently I have found myself waking up at this sort of ungodly hour (2.20 am to be precise) and being unable to get back to sleep. 

On the rare occasions that this has happened in the past, it has usually been enough for me to think seriously about getting up and doing something useful like writing a post for my blog, for an immense wave of fatigue to sweep over me, rendering the prospect of any meaningful activity quite impossible. However, this ploy is not working at the moment, as you can see. Perhaps something in the digital edition of the International New York Times will take my fancy? Yes, an article entitled "No, you don't Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day". Apparently, there is absolutely no science behind this widely-held belief. It is a complete myth. 

Digging a bit deeper, I discovered in the British Medical Journal that there is no truth in the claim that hair and finger nails continue to grow after death. This myth was perpetuated by Johnny Carson when he said: "For three days after death, hair and finger nails continue to grow, but phone calls taper off". 

I see that the BMJ is accepting job advertisements these days: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust is looking for a "Consultant Colorectal Surgeon with an interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease". I half fit the bill. 

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