Sunday, May 09, 2010


For only the second time in my life I visited an Ikea store the other day, the previous occasion being a lightning tour of the Dubai Branch. This time we were making preliminary soundings with a view to perhaps one day, in the fullness of time, fitting ourselves with a new kitchen to replace our current third-world offering.

You can buy an awful lot of things at Ikea, but still it falls a little short of the one-stop shopping experience I am interested in. That was why I was so intrigued to learn of Ikeas's sister store, called Lifea. Here you can not only buy everything you need for all the rooms in your house, you can also buy your house, a car, a dog and/or cat and of course a wife. You can also put your children down for Eton and pay for your funeral in advance. A choice of religions is also available.


  1. Anonymous1:58 pm

    Very funny. I posted it on my FB "wall". Did you make it up or did you hear it somewhere?

  2. All my material is 100% the product of my diseased mind. But are you referring to "Lifea" or "The Wheel of Fortune"?

  3. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Sorry, I thought I was in The Wheel of Fortune post. Though "Lifea" is very witty, too. It really is.


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