Sunday, May 09, 2010

A Word From the Oracle

Delphi, 9 May 2010

Proportional representation or not, inside the Euro Zone or not, indeed inside the EU or not, it seems to me that Europe can nowadays be divided into two camps: virtuous and profligate countries. The former camp would include Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and roughly speaking the countries of northern Europe; the latter just about everyone else. Although we in the UK and France don't like to say so, we are in fact much nearer to Greece than we are to Germany in terms of profligacy and virtue.

In the wake of the British general election, is there any strong commitment on the part of the incoming government/coalition to taking steps to redress this situation?


  1. Do you mean "no" as in "no"?

  2. Greetings Barnaby

    Whoever wins (or should that now be won?) the deficit has to be tackled. The Lib Dems detailed the most cuts in their campaign but the Tories though not giving details mde plain their view that cuts are needed now rather than as the Labour party insisted next year.

    If a Con/Lib coalition is agreed, then I would expect financial cuts/tax increases this year with the coalition blaming the outgoing govt for the financial mess which necessitates such belt tightening.

    Cuts/tax increases imposed by a coalition are also less likely to cause rioting in the streets than cuts imposed by one political party with actual or perceived vested interests on its agenda.

  3. Right, Jerry. The question is, of course, will the two parties be able to make a deal which they can "sell" to their members?

  4. "Cor" as in "wrecked" or cor" as in "blimey"?


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