Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Orwell Diaries II (update)

I don't know whether you are reading George Orwell's diaries and, if so, whether you are as gripped by them as I am? It's no doubt partly a generation thing, and those of us who are steeped in the history and literature of the time (1939-45) obviously find our way about more easily than our children's generation.

It is as though Orwell is deliberately setting out to write about the sort of things that would be of most interest to us 70 years later! What an extraordinary man!

In his entry for 3rd June 1940, Orwell wrote:

From a letter from Lady Oxford[1] to the Daily Telegraph, on the subject of war economies:
“Since most London houses are deserted there is little entertaining…in any case, most people have to part with their cooks and live in hotels.”
Apparently, nothing will ever teach these people that the other 99% of the population exist.
[1] Margot Asquith (1864-1945) was the widow of Herbert Henry Asquith, Earl of Oxford and Asquith, who was Prime Minister, 1906-16. Peter Davison

And here is what Dorothy Parker had to say about Margot Asquith: 

 “The affair between Margot Asquith and Margot Asquith will live as one of the prettiest love stories in all literature.”

Well said!

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