Saturday, April 02, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Friday 29th April 2011 at Westminster Abbey


  1. Anonymous11:44 am

    Ho ho ho
    I eventually recognised Him,
    but Who She?

  2. SHE is Ms Charlene Wittstock, that's all! The religious ceremony is to be conducted by Archbishop Bernard Barsi and the bride is to be given away for next to nothing.

  3. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Poor Prince William! I hadn't realised his balding was THAT serious. And I thought Cate was a brunette; anyway, I am very sure this young, happy-looking, couple will work wonders for the United Kingdom.

  4. It's extraordinary what you can buy if you're rich enough!

  5. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Now look here, Dubai Anon:
    Buckingham Palace have instructed that the new Princess is to be known as Katherine, NOT Kate or even Cate - and deffo not Grace Mk.II.

  6. Anonymous4:15 pm

    Braintree Anon: please accept humble apology. But pray tell how come "Prince Harry" is accepted by BP and not Princesse Kate? Are you getting ready for the big TV day? I heard the Queen bought the wedding party favours from the Middletons' online store!

  7. I went to the haidressers in downtown Brazey the other day and asked for a Kate Middleton haircut. They said they had never heard of it, but they could do me a Duchess of Windsor if I wanted.


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