Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Second Chance

One of the nice things about keeping a blog is that one can always delete a post when, on mature reflection, one regrets writing it.
I recently wrote an entry which at the time, in the middle of the night, seemed funny to me in an Evelyn Waugh vein, but in the cold light of day it was revealed to me in all its puerile tastelessness.
I hope no-one saw it, but if you did, please accept my profuse apologies.


  1. Anonymous9:13 am

    I did wonder if you had had an official warning from someone!

    And isn't it nice to read of our grandparents about to set sail for South Africa. How very generous Uncle Reg always was.

  2. Greetings Barnaby - a brief thank you for your sponsoring my London Marathon run - much appreciated.

    I have resisted the temptation to delete blog posts so far. Many of my posts would warrant deletion anyway but perhaps more relevant is the fact that in real life too I sometimes rant or say things out of turn. Self censorship on the blog might make it more anaemic and less a reflection of its flawed author.

    The only blog posts I wish I had not made are some of replies to others comments on my RIP to Father Kevin Donovan SJ entry. I wish I had left the comments of others on that interesting man following his death, unadorned by rejoinders/answers of my own.

  3. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Oh, don't you behave like a diva! What was it, what was it? It is too late, now: the WHOLE world is dying to know!

  4. Well, here it is, but for a limited time only. If you never want to speak me to me again, I would perfectly understand.

    The title is DEFECTIONS

    A Libyan government envoy, Mohammed Ismail, has been in London in the past few days for talks with the British authorities, the BBC has learnt.
    The Foreign Office said that in all its contacts with Libyan officials, it had made it clear that "Gaddafi has to go".
    News of the visit emerged after Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa flew to Britain and was said to have defecated.
    A Libyan government spokesman in Tripoli said that, contrary to appearances, Mr Koussa had not in fact defecated on the plane from Tunis to London.
    Following Mr Koussa's unexpected arrival in the UK on Wednesday, there were unconfirmed reports that other senior Libyans were defecating.
    The pan-Arab TV channel Al-Jazeera said the intelligence minister, deputy foreign minister and General People's Congress speaker were awaiting flights in Tunisia with a possible view to defecation.
    Oil Minister Shukri Ghanim has denied any intention to leave Libya. "I may be many things", he said, "but I am not a defecator".
    A government spokesman told reporters that they were all in Libya, but that it was also possible that some had left the country on a defecation mission.

  5. Anonymous5:27 pm

    It made me laugh, so I suppose it is alright!


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