Friday, May 13, 2011

The Monarchy

Further to my remarks about the monarchy, I received the following note from a fan:

You snivelling toad, Dunn. What sort of person is it that attacks a family that can’t answer back? How would you like to have your name dragged through the mud?

Well, as a matter of fact, I have in the real word had my (sur)name dragged through the mud but I won’t go into that now. But my fan (I refuse to believe a woman would write in such offensive terms) is right of course. And there is the more important question of what we would put in the place of the monarchy if we decided to get rid of it. The fact is we’re lumbered with this lot so we might as well grin and bear it.

Having said that, I’m bound to say that the Royal Wedding was a wondrous spectacle and that the ceremony in Westminster Cathedral was particularly moving.


  1. Greetings Barnaby

    Personally I would loath living the goldfish bowl-like life that members of the British royal family lead however many £millions were made available to cushion the blow.
    While Queen and family are prepared to live such lives we in the UK are saved all the surely much more expensive talent show contests that are so much the presidents of many other countries. In a constitutional sense too the UK does rather well out of HM the Queen. She has very few actual powers but much influence. The few powers that the British monarch retains form part of the intricate checks and balances within the UK constitution. Interesting to reflect that after WWII the Japanese after considering all possibilities decided initially to remodel their shattered country's constitution on the British one but had to abandon that idea upon learning that the constitution is largely unwritten. The royal family's continuous presence which has been benign throughout my life so far enables the great benefit of an unwritten and therefore flexible constitution to continue.

    I appreciate that the USA is currently the most powerful nation on earth but their flag constitution and POTUS
    are almost worshiped - not attractive (to me anyway) - give me our benign almost powerless queen any day

  2. Anonymous5:28 pm

    Hear hear, maytrees.
    And give me a Monarch who meant every word of and abides by her Coronation vows. Refreshing.


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