Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Big Four

Dave dreaded these Brussels meetings. There was always a faint but unmistakable smell of garlic in the air and surely he was not alone in being offended by the aggressive cut of the Giorgio Armani suits? Plus, it was quite clear that neither Nicolas nor Sivio - nor indeed any of the others whose names he could never remember - could by any stretch of the imagination be described as a chap.
Nicolas, for his part resented what he perceived as Dave's British arrogance. At one point he had taken Dave aside and said: "Ecoutez Dave, either you join the club either you shut your mouth. And while you're at it, why don't you try learning a foreign language?"
But whatever their differences, Nicolas and Dave were united in their dislike of Silvio. They were offended by his deodorant (Right Guard?) and hair lotion (Brylcreem?), and could not altogether escape the impression that he was actually embalmed.
And as for Angela, well there were a lot of things all three could say about Angela. The trouble was, she was the only one with any money. If only she would be a sport and just hand over their pocket money so they could whizz back to the tuck shop for some more sweets. But no, matron seemed to take a sadistic delight in berating them for their lax behaviour. The bell rang and they trudged glumly into matron's study.


  1. Anonymous3:26 pm

    super funny, papa! Couldn't stop laughing! Love,
    Anon Dubai

  2. East Anglian6:38 pm

    Super funny, AND almost certainly spot on.

  3. BTW, have you seen the photos I'm beginning to include in Gran's diaries?

  4. East Anglian3:32 pm

    Very nice pics, but that Brighton hotel looks like it was once the workhouse.
    GH, btw, I think was Graham Howe who I remember as being considered THE guru by Gran and all the aunts.

    I have no memories of this little jaunt, have you?

    Was Hildegarde a personal maid? She only seems to get mentioned in terms of carrying Gran's luggage!

  5. Yes, GH features prominently in the diaries! I had never heard of Hildegard. Perhaps she was paving the way for the arrival of the legendary Clara! I can't wait for her to appear on the scene.


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...