Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Prediction for 2012

In a few months from now when spring is upon us and a Frenchman's fancy turns to thoughts of elections, you might care to cast your mind back to the dark days of December and remember that this blog was virtually alone in predicting that the next President of France would be a certain............ FRANCOIS BAYROU.

Before you dismiss this prediction out of hand as the crazed utterance of a diseased mind, you would do well to bear in mind that I am the great nephew of a certain Margaret Lumley Brown who has been described as "the finest medium and psychic of the 20th century".


  1. EastAnglian3:24 pm

    But is she speaking to you on this matter, Mr. Dunn? I thought her mystic utterances were mostly on the subject of Ancient Rome - fairly easy as that's all in the past and nothing to do with prognostications!

    [lesson 1: do not laugh at great aunt, to be written out 700 times by nightfall]

  2. I would never presume to do that, Smoc! Have you read her book by the way? And is it really true that she was one of the greatest sidekicks of the 20th century?

  3. EastAnglian12:07 am

    No, I haven't read the book but Huss has and says it's tedious in the extreme!
    But greatest sidekick or not I think it's true there's masses we don't know.

  4. As a matter of fact, I know someone locally who says she has psychic powers, and I think she probably does.

  5. EastAnglian11:44 am

    I hope your neighbour brings you good news?

    I often think it rather sad that we didn't appreciate Margaret more, but just thought of her as that loopy person who told Mose they'd been sharing a journey with two squabbling legionaires in the back of the car! But that was rather disconcerting, and certainly Margaret didn't much appreciate us!

  6. Anonymous7:30 am

    As the great-great niece of said Margaret, I can predict that Bayrou being elected president will NOT happen. These Gifts sometimes skip generations...

    I'd be extremely interested to know who that neighbour cards reader might be! Wouldn't it be a certain Doctor B?

    How was The Sound of Music? As good as last year?

    Lots of love to all,

  7. I thought it (The Sound of Music) was every bit as good as last year, and that's saying something. The beginning was quite simply extraordinary IMHO.


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...