Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fill in the Gaps

Some time ago, I think it must have been last year, I read a very interesting book called Every Other Day or something like that. I can't remember who it was written by. It wasn't Julian Barnes or Martin Amis, but somebody of that ilk. I do know that the book was adapted for either the cinema or TV and starred a well-known actor whose name escapes me but who has featured in several well-known costume dramas derived from the works of Charles Dickens: Little Dorrit? Big Jim?
Anyway, the book traces the life of a man born in the early years of the 20th century. His name wasn't Marcus or Theodore but it was something like that. Along the way he married somebody called Stella, or was that the name of their daughter? A great book forever etched in my mind.


  1. Anonymous1:59 pm

    Dear Mr A. Zheimer

    The time may be approaching, Old Timer, for you to pack in this recolletions lark?

    Best wishes from us all at the clinic,

    Shropshire Lad

    1. Dear Shropshire Laird,
      Do I know you? I have certainly never heard of Mr AZ Heimer, but am nevertheless looking forward to checking in at the clinic in Beaulieu. I expect you're already there?
      Sincere regards
      Mr AZ Heimer

  2. Anonymous4:20 am

    Sounds like a Stephen King book to me...


A Few Late Chrysanthedads

No one person's experience of dementia is quite the same as another's, but the account given below, within the confines of a shortis...