Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Year In VistaVision

My goodness, how things have changed since 2011. Christmas of that year, you may recall, was one of the best shopping seasons ever. There was such a dazzling array of goods on display that one sometimes did not know which way to look. But whatever one's choice, one could be sure of a warm welcome and a cheery "Merry Christmas" at the cash desk.

All that of course is long gone. Nowadays such people as one sees in the supermarket are all congregated in the pet food counter, stocking up with endless tins of Pal, Chum, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Growl and Snarl. I feel like telling the more shame-faced among them that they can buy the same products without any of the attendant embarrassment, for few if any of them have dogs to speak of,  from their local Chinese takeaway.

Another change from those heady days is the startling fall in the number of bloggers. Not only are there fewer bloggers than ever before, but those that remain are blogging less often than in the past. This is scarcely surprising when one considers that no-one feels much like blogging after a back-breaking day in the fields digging potatoes.

On a personal front, 2011 was a year in which I could still hear significant chunks of what people were shouting at me. Nowadays, I have to make do with "Key Words and Phrases": dinner time - make the bed - do I have to shout? - mass unemployment - civil unrest - vote rigging - appeal for calm - sauces close to the Houses of Parliament.

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