Saturday, February 04, 2012

The Weather

We shall shortly be leaving for Dubai, the Pearl of the Middle East. (Spoiler alert for burglars: we have recently been burgled so there's really not much point in coming round again.) The temperature in Dubai is 25°C compared to -10° outside my window, so people out there will be starting to think seriously of putting their air conditioning on for the first time since last November.
I quite like these cold, crisp winter days at the outset and feel like joining my great uncle Reg for some brisk hiking in the Austrian Tyrol. I wonder what sort of walking gear they had back in the 'twenties. I have a feeling their equipment would be to present-day wear what medieval armour is to modern military combat issue. I know that the walking boots I wore only 25 years ago weighed a ton compared to the featherweight shoes you see today.
But a couple of days of this cold weather is quite enough for me. After that the high pressure and brittle skies begin to weigh in on me. It's so cold here that you half expect birds to drop out of the sky, as they are said to have done during a battle of Thirty Years War. If I had to choose only one kind of winter weather, I think I would go for a cloudy, blustery day with a hint of rain in the air.

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