Tuesday, March 20, 2012

French Elections: Form Guide

Hervé and Jean-Louis were obliged to throw in the towel, having very rashly decided to throw their hat into the ring. Jean-Pierre also decided to call it a day while Corinne and Dominique failed to amass the necessary amount of signatures and were disqualified. On the other hand, Eva got her 500 signatures and it will be interesting to see whether she manages to get as many votes. Nicolas D is through to the second round and could be one to watch despite his current low score in the polls (0.005%). Jean-Luc and Marine are both doing very nicely thank you and both have alarming sets of teeth.
François "Bull" Hollande strikes fear into the hearts of his adversaries but will have to be careful not to knock over his glass of water when he starts gesticulating. Bull could also probably do without the support of Ségo "Mona Lisa" Royal who might yet help Nicolas S to win two elections in a row. François B had better get a move on if I am to have any chance of winning my bet.


  1. Greetings Barnaby

    Is President NS still in with a chance do you think?
    None of the other candidates seems especially good for
    France when viewed from this side of the channel
    but I'm not sure that the current incumbent is especially good for England.

    1. I think he's still got a chance, Jerry. A lot could change in the coming month. I honestly don't know what's going to happen, especially in view of the recent tragic events.

  2. EastAnglian10:18 am

    This is all as clear as mud, as "my" liberal broadsheet didn't even mention the French elections in their round-up of international news last weekend! They've pulled themselves together over the last very sad few days, and we are now informed that there has been a cessation in hostilities aka campaigning, but this is not expected to last and the name-calling will resume shortly.

    1. It's funny that the French don't have a vice-president as in the USA.


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