Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Comparative Analysis of the British and American Legal Systems

My analysis, based on an exhaustive study of The Good Wife and Silk, reveals certain differences. American lawyers tend to be very well dressed. Clive could probably get a job in an American law firm but I doubt if Martha would cut it. Also she slouches around too much. In Chicago judges are addressed as "your honor" instead of "my lord". In America, they have special investigators like Kalinda or Paul Drake to do all the leg work. I don't know who does that in Britain. On the other hand, there appears to be no American equivalent to Billy, which is perhaps just as well. Impressive quantities of alcohol are consumed on both sides of the Atlantic but smoking is not allowed in the USA either on or off the premises. There are limits after all.
That's about it, really.


  1. Anonymous9:33 am

    The first thing I tend to think of with American Law is "objection your hono(u)r" ... "overruled" and finding small but vital pieces of information when it's [almost] too late.

    1. Don't forget "sustained"! I wonder why we don't say "Your Lord". We say "Your Majesty", or would do if given the chance.

  2. Greetings Barnaby,

    Well I like Silk but have never heard of "The Good Wife" (apart from mrs maytrees of course).

    I did a 'Love Film' search and will rent series one as a consequence of your blog post.

    1. Hello Jerry.
      I hope you enjoy The Good Wife. I think it's good entertainment!


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