Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The American Election

Listening in to BBC Radio 4 this morning in the aftermath of the American presidential election, I half-heard a quote from a well-known writer. With some difficulty, I eventually managed to track it down. Here it is in full:

All colors and blends of Americans have somewhat the same tendencies. It's a breed — selected out by accident. And so we're overbrave and overfearful — we're kind and cruel as children. We're overfriendly and at the same time fightened of strangers. We boast and are impressed. We're oversentimental and realistic. We are mundane and materialistic — and do you know of any other nation that acts for ideals? We eat too much. We have no taste, no sense of proportion. We throw our energy about like waste. In the old lands they say of us that we go from barbarism to decadence without an intervening culture.

Who wrote these extraordinary words?

John Steinbeck in East of Eden 

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