Monday, February 14, 2011

This and That

I have received a couple of requests.

First if all, I have been asked to lay off the portentous stuff in my blog, e.g. the situation in Egypt, since I am quite clearly out of my depths. Point taken, but I reserve the right to return to the fray from time to time.

Secondly, it has been suggested that I compile a "Best of the Subliminal Mr Dunn" with a view to publication. I find myself in the embarrassing position, not so much of not knowing what to leave out, as what to put in.


I think it's very nice the way the rest of the world stands respectfully aside when a major news story such as the protest movement in Egypt comes to the fore. Nothing from Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Mexico or China. No earthquakes or hurricanes. No assassinations in the USA. Rather like one minute's silence before a rugby match. However, I think normal service should resume any day now.

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